Friday, December 18, 2009

Ensenada to San Felipe 250

Just got back from a crazy trip to Baja on Sunday night. I travelled with Roger Norman and some members of his race team documenting their adventures during the Ensenada to San Felipe 250. We left Thursday morning, did some prerunning Friday, followed the race Saturday and left Sunday, it was wild. I was hanging out the window of the chase truck on poorly maintained Mexican highways going 80mph chasing the prerunner with my HVX mounted to the side of the car on a panhead; also riding in the prerunner with my tripod strapped literally on top of me operating through 100mph off road intensity. It was all in good fun though, and we gathered some really great footage. Check out the piece I cut together for Norman Motorsports.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Back Country Telemark Skiing in Tahoe

Photo: Kenny and I trek up the the last steep section of a mountain overlooking beautiful Lake Tahoe.

Skiing is way harder than I had anticipated. I tried it once when I was 6 and remember it being not too difficult. I'm a southern California kid, so the snow is a whole new environment for me. I had heard that telemark skiing is super hard from many people around here in Tahoe, but I was willing to give it a try.

I met Kenny while climbing at the gym, he is a strong climber and also happens to be a skillful telemark skier. We got to talking about skiing and I asked him if he could teach me some backcountry stuff and he agreed. Here is a link to his website:

Backcountry Tahoe is absolutely gorgeous. I was amazed that we were able to hike around out there. Even more impressive was the fact that we could walk up hills with skins attached to our skis. The whole time while we were going up I couldn't help the thought that we were going to have to ski all the way back down. Going down was way hard for me, my legs kept wanting to go in different directions and I got to practice my crashing in depth. The good thing is I made it down the mountain in one piece. Super thanks to Kenny for taking me out and being patient with me.

Check out the rest of the photos here: